Well I like a good winter storm as much as the rest of you and since Portland seldom sees snow, it's extra special. I feel grateful for my years in Madison and Denver for my fine snow navigation skills in my small Corolla but now the ice is building up. Zeke and I may just go a little stir crazy. We did make it out on foot to the store for coffee and eggs but by the time I madethere in only 4 blocks, my coat was covered in a thin layer of ice! I guess I should be happy I'm not in Madison right now where it's minus 17 degrees with a win chill of probably 35 below! Yesterday my snow driving skills came in handy on my way over to a new Ethiopian friend's house for coffee and lots of giggling with her and her beautiful daughters aged 11, 14 and 17. Meselich is going to begin teaching me Amharic so I can impress the nannies when I go get Lera. The latest is that we're scheduled for court on January 28th! I'm hoping for an early March travel. Hopefully we'll have thawed out by then!
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