Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Storm

Well I like a good winter storm as much as the rest of you and since Portland seldom sees snow, it's extra special. I feel grateful for my years in Madison and Denver for my fine snow navigation skills in my small Corolla but now the ice is building up. Zeke and I may just go a little stir crazy. We did make it out on foot to the store for coffee and eggs but by the time I madethere in only 4 blocks, my coat was covered in a thin layer of ice! I guess I should be happy I'm not in Madison right now where it's minus 17 degrees with a win chill of probably 35 below! Yesterday my snow driving skills came in handy on my way over to a new Ethiopian friend's house for coffee and lots of giggling with her and her beautiful daughters aged 11, 14 and 17. Meselich is going to begin teaching me Amharic so I can impress the nannies when I go get Lera. The latest is that we're scheduled for court on January 28th! I'm hoping for an early March travel. Hopefully we'll have thawed out by then!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Home for Thanksgiving

"Home" is a concept that pertains to where one feels at ease, a part of, love and joy. For me, home not only includes Portland, but also Madison, WI where I lived for 6 years while waiting to get into and complete graduate school and where I landed following my second oldest brother Steven, his wife Victoria and my new niece Holly in 1988 (and Sam in 1989). So, I went "home" for Thanksgiving and what a wonderful visit it was. My mother and my third brother Ben joined us from Louisville. Thanksgiving dinner was fantastic (Steven and Victoria really know what they're doing in the kitchen) and then on Friday we were welcomed into the home of Meghan and her new baby boy Zeke who came home in August. I felt so grateful to have my family hear about her family's experience with adoption, see all her beautiful photos from Lalibela and Gondar and meet her baby Zeke. What a gorgeous boy he is!! I was really looking for an opportunity to help my family better understand this adoption and the culture of Ethiopia. Seeing and hearing about Meghan's family made such a difference in for them. Thank you so much Meghan!!!! Now I know when I go "home" for a visit, Lera will have a play mate.