Friday, November 14, 2008

And then there were 2

On Wednesday, November 12th at 3:15 I got my call. My daughter Rahmete (pronounced ra ma tae) is 3.5 months old, healthy and beautiful. I've waited my whole life for this. I can't believe it and everyone is so excited for us. Lindsay called me on my cell phone while I was going into my office. I saw it was CHSFS by the area code, but I couldn't register why they were calling because I was led to believe it might be another week before I would see a referral. When I answered, she asked how my day was going. I said fine and waited for whatever it was that she needed to tell me. She then said "Well I'm happy to be able to make it an even better day" at which point I gasped and began sobbing while she gave me the news. Thank goodness that the back door from the outside of my office leads into a contained hallway that is infrequently used because there I sat on the ground crying tears of joy uncontrolably until she finished. I rushed into my office to the computer to open her file and there she was, Miss Big Smiles and and reaching out with her arms for what I like to pretend is me!!!! Thankfully there are so many preparations to keep me busy while I wait through the next 3 or so excruciatingly long months first for a court date, then for a birth certificate and then finally for a travel date. I have been so blessed by the support I've gotten from my new adoption famiy friends both here in Portland and in cyberspace. Thank you guys who've made this journey before me and also to those of you who have endured this long wait with me. As is customary with international adoption, photos will be posted on this blog only after the court approval .

1 comment:

Sha Zam- said...

YEAH YEAH YAY YAY YAY!! I have chills I'm so excited for you. It's contagious! yippee